
Social Media Marketing

The evolution of Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin since the late 2000s have turns the business market to act globally to serve the demands of the international market. No business in the modern world can run their promotional campaigns within the traditional marketing rounds of Print ads, Billboards, Radio, Television, newspapers where the limit of the audience is restricted with expensive charges for advertisements is levied. Our introduction of social media platforms in the last decade has transformed the traditional marketing styles to digital campaigns where the products and services reach the right audience with a low cost charged for the advertisement process. Around 50% of the world's total population is attached to social media platforms and makes it a big market for promotion.

Squaiz builds a best Social Media Marketing for your Business:

Squaiz Technology helps in the promotion of our client's business at a cheaper price and offers a complete package of digital marketing where social media platforms play a vital role. Several factors make social media a valuable one as listed below:

  • Target Audience: We deliver the best marketing plan through social media by reaching the target audience by demographics like age, gender, location, etc.,
  • Goal: We actively enable the clients to think of a goal that is set as a quantitative one.
  • Connecting People: This comes under the roof of analyzing the mindset of the customers and deliberately checking the pulse of the audience for a product we deal with. We can initiate live chats, feedback forms to know the minds of the end-user.
  • Strategy: Squaiz supports clients in formulating a social media strategy as a primary factor of marketing by inducing the audience with initial discount offers with catchy words for grabbing attraction.
  • Contents: Once the strategy is finalized, we design the execution of marketing plans with riveting contents with adoring images, text posts, audio and sound videos that leads to a cluster of reach among social media visitors.
  • Lead Generation: In course of activating the marketing plans, we initiate the visitors to fill in the contact form and make the database of end-users to reach them again in email and Whatsapp campaigns.
  • Social Media Campaigns: We formulate a social media calendar decorated with interactive polls, stunning surveys, and playing competitions as an integral part of social media marketing which results in a higher volume of attraction and sales.

We can create a reputation for the products and services and make the social media platforms a cost-effective and prospective one.