Data Research in Chennai

Data Research

Data Research is a process of collecting information, processing data, analyzing the facts, and finding the result to take your online business to the next level by understanding the customer's wants tastes, and preferences. These data research techniques are made simpler with the use of the internet where analytics and social media platforms play a key role in sourcing the data. Online data research is carried out through primary and secondary research methodologies.

Squaiz in Data Research Platforms:

Squaiz enhances the website reach and the business of our clients by formulating the right source of data research techniques as follows:

  • Primary Data Research Methodology: This is the direct information; we help to collect from the customers through login forms and feedback forms. Customers are enthralled with simple but fascinating questions to create an intense in the minds of the customer to answer the questions with customer information and preferences.
  • Secondary Data Research Methodology: These are data research techniques, we help our customers gather through indirect surveys, playing puzzles and competitions, hidden polls with the use of social media campaigns. Here, we let our customers voluntarily source the information to play their favorites.

Customized Data Research Campaigns:

Our online data research campaigns produce results to enhance the business by understanding the wants, tastes, and preferences of the customers. We follow the below characteristics to source up the required information for a valuable Data Research process.

  • Target Audience: We establish a data research plan in a customized way by reaching the right and targeted audience by screening them through demographics, market size, duration of polls, competition results, etc.,
  • Competitor Analysis: We coin competitor analysis at the top of any data research methods for the customers as it helps them to understand market standards and current trends and competitor strategies we need to compete with.
  • Cost: All our data research plans are cost-effective and worth more than the money we spent on.
  • Online Platforms: We include Google Analytics, Google Trends, Facebook insights, Twitter Audience, Google alerts along with the Search engine analysis for valuable data consumption to enlarge our client's business irrespective of the size, cost, and the location they belong to.
  • Observation and Findings: Finally, we give the detailed analysis report of the data research including traffic, shares, and conversion rates of the business houses. With the help of online data research techniques, the customers can build their websites and e-commerce platforms that satisfy the tastes and preferences of the customers.